A beloved cousin of mine asked me yesterday.
: " You see in the translation of the Gurbani Kirtan that it is being sung, that there are a lot of Hindu gods in it; so why is it that Sikhs are not allowed to do a pooja of Hindu Gods?"
The most obvious Gurbani that would answer this is :
Paahe gahe jab te tumre tab te kou aankh tare nahi aanyo|| Raam Raheem Puraan Kuraan aneyk kahai mat eyk na maanyo||
O God ! the day when I caught hold of your feet, I do not bring anyone else under my sight; none other is liked by me now; the Puranas and the Quran try to know Thee by the names of Ram and Rahim and talk about you through several stories, but I do not ac
Sinmrit Shaastra Bed sabhai bahu bhed kahai ham ek naa jaanyo|| Sri asipaan kripaa tumri kar mai na kahyo sabh tohe bakhaanyo||863||
The Simritis, Shastras and Vedas describe several mysteries of yours, but I do not agree with any of them. O sword-wielder God! This all has been described by Thy Grace, what power can I have to write all this? (863)
Sagal duaar kau chhaad kai gahyo tuhaaro duaar|| Bahe gahe ki laaj as Gobind daas tuhaar||864||
O Lord ! I have forsaken all other doors and have caught hold of only Thy door. O Lord ! Thou has caught hold of my arm; I, Govind, am Thy serf, kindly take (care of me and) protect my honour. (864)
In Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, mentions of Hindu Gods are usually metaphorical. It is not a physical god. There are Hindu names of Gods that are used.
E.g. Mohan, Gobind, Gopal, Hari, Ram are used in names to describe God but are not the Hindu Dieties themselves. On the other hand, Raheem, Kareem, Allah used in Guru Ji is its equivalent to its Muslim meaning in the Quran.
Hari is used to describe God that is not attached to Maya; not Vishnu. Ram is used to describe the name of God with regards to peace not Ram Chand. Ram Chand himself is mentioned only 8 times in the Sri Guru Granth Sahibji.
Its like some Sikh kid named Gobind, Hargobind, Angad, Amar or Harkrishan. They might be named after our Gurus but are not our Gurus. A Christian named Jesus is not Jesus Christ. Muslims named Muhammed are not the Prophet nor are the Muslims named Kareem or Rafiq Gods. In the same way, our Granth Sahib refers to god in many names like Mohan, Gobind, Gopal, Hari or Ram, but not it does not recognize them as God.